The BLOOM Project

A powerful 6 week journey of nervous system regulation, emotional transformation, and true self awakening through the art of somatic and embodied healing.

Imagine if...

You accepted yourself without viewing yourself as something to "fix" or reaching outside yourself for love and acceptance AND without checking off accomplishments to define your worth?

You knew exactly how to regulate your nervous system to be in the present moment even when it feels like there's chaos around you?

 You could move through hard emotions like anger and grief from your past and as they arose in your everyday life?

You effortlessly tuned into your body to access clarity, and intuition, and made room for the healing you seek?

  You reunited with your authentic self to reawaken your playfulness, expression, and freedom and create a life of depth and connection?

You released fear and control and began creating the life you want right now from a place of trust, confidence, and purpose?

You were surrounded by a community of women that are dedicating to stepping into their awakening, power, and freedom alongside you?

What if you could create this version of you who thrives and unlocks the power within to heal without the overwhelm?

You can achieve this…and it doesn’t have to be complicated or done on your own. 

Maybe this sounds familiar... 

You bounce between anxiety and depression and no matter how hard you try to think your way into peace, happiness, and freedom it feels like an uphill battle that keeps you stuck. ​

You have a habit of powering through busy days and dismissing your emotions until they overflow and you explode or shut down. ​ 

Your mind is constantly overthinking, you often feel easily overwhelmed, irritated, and overstimulated and it's hard to have clarity and stillness. ​ 

Your past trauma and childhood wounds are continuously influencing you to show up in limiting ways like scarcity, protection, over-striving, and distrust. ​ 

Your body is sending signals that you're in burnout with symptoms like feeling numb, being tired, low moods, anxiety, and hormonal imbalances.

Here’s the truth…

You wouldn't be here if you haven't spent way too much time seeking healing outside yourself and looking for another way.

We’re here to help you remember that healing comes from WITHIN your BODY, your “soma.” this journey guides you along the path of nervous system regulation, re-establishing somatic safety, unlocking your expression, and accepting and re-integrating your whole self.

 Expansion, joy, clarity, freedom, peace, power, pleasure, love and the path to physical healing is within YOU! We're here to help guide you to EMBODY these powerful aspects of your true self!


The BLOOM Project

A powerful 6 week journey of nervous system regulation, emotional transformation, and true self awakening through the art of somatic and embodied healing.


What's Included? 

  • 6 week LIVE container

  •  6 digestible educational modules accompanied with somatic and embodiment practices to help you integrating what you are learning

  • Powerful weekly connection and embodiment calls for connection and community, in depth self discovery, embodiment and integration practices.

  • Community connection and coaching support through Slack

  • Optional 1:1 Functional & Nutritional Therapy coaching opportunity for those wanting personalized guidance in their physical healing alongside their inner work journey.


What are in the LIVE Embodiment calls?

Each week, gather virtually to connect LIVE with women who are dedicated to stepping into their awakening, power, and freedom along side you. This is a powerful and sacred space to connect, share, be heard,  and drop into somatic and embodiment practices to help support you in your journey of growth and transformation.  This is where the magic and healing happens!!


Tuesday evenings at 5:30 (mountain time)

The topics and themes of each call: 

  • Week 1. Building Connection and Trust with the Body 
  •  Week 2. Accessing Safety 
  •  Week 3. Emotional Embodiment & Permission
  •  Week 4. Shadow Acceptance 
  •  Week 5. Awaken Breathwork 
  •  Week 6. Reclaimed Self

The Investment:

*Will be announced soon!*

Pricing will range between $300 and $400 for the 6 week journey. We are still building The BLOOM Project and adding more content to the container.  


What's the time commitment?

If you have gotten this far, you know this container is for you! But we understand the concern with the amount of time you will need to commit to this opportunity. Especially for those busy moms and full-time boss babes. Even though we emphasize that "TIME IS NOT GIVEN, IT'S CREATED", our goal was to make this container easy to fit into the busiest of schedules! 

 Here is our time estimate for the container: 

Module video content: 20-30 minutes per week 

 Embodiment calls: 1 hour per week 

 Self practice: 20 minutes per day

Bloom Buddy connection: 10-30 min per week (via text, call, video call. Whatever works best!!)

Sounds do-able, right?

Here is our promise to you...

The BLOOM Project comes with a money back guarantee!

 We are so confident about what’s inside this container and we know you will gain so much from it! So if you show up, do all the work, show up to all the Embodiment calls and don’t feel more acceptance and fulfillment in your life, we will give you your money back. 

You’ve got nothing to lose!

Meet your mentors: Mattie & Amanda 

After practicing in Functional Medicine for the past 6 years we began to see that the physical struggles within the women we supported were very EMOTIONALLY rooted. This ignited our path into root cause work with a big focus on empowering women to heal emotionally and physically through subconscious, somatic and embodiment work. 

Through our immersive retreats, private coaching and now group containers, our passion and purpose is to help guide women to reconnect with the essence of their true authentic self and reclaim their power to heal holistically so that they can create a life filled with self acceptance, love, fulfillment, and freedom. 

Some extra deets: 

  • Hosted 7 successful women's retreats (nationally and internationally) 
  • Supported hundreds of women through physical and emotional expansion
  • Collectively trained in Somatic breathwork, Somatic Trauma Coaching (current), Holistic Health Coaching, Nutrition Response Testing, Nutritional therapy, Functional Blood Chemistry, Functional Gut, Mineral, Hormone, and Food testing, Energetic Testing and more!
  • Built a thriving coaching practice 

We both live in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley of Montana and love to hike, pick huckleberries, gather women for full moon ceremonies, and be with nature in all the ways that we can! 

We are excited to partner with you in all the beautiful ups and downs of humaning, 

-Mattie & Amanda 

The BLOOM Project begins soon!

Join the waitlist to be the FIRST to know ALL the details for the next launch! 

Those on the waitlist get special early bird pricing!! ;)

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We can't wait to BLOOM with you! 

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe BLOOM Project waitlist$0

All prices in USD